Member since Apr 16, 2009


  • Posted by:
    wildcatfan56 on 04/17/2009 at 10:42 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    One more thing, the council finally determined that Hein's chief goal was to undermine the council & rio nuevo at every turn so he could help his S. Az Leadership Council buddies to disparage and then systematically dismantle City Government as part of their larger plan of regional governmental entities (starting with water & wastewater) that Republicans would have a better chance of controlling than they ever will of City government.
  • Posted by:
    wildcatfan56 on 04/16/2009 at 11:42 AM
    How about we just add some more impact fees? That seems fair. The realtors & the cops want another unfunded mandate; let's just attach an appropriate funding source - more impact fees so development can pay its way. Think the realtors would want it if it had this appropriate funding source? Think again.
  • Posted by:
    wildcatfan56 on 04/16/2009 at 11:37 AM
    Re: “Danehy
    Don't let the truth about Hein's failures and dishonesty get in the way of your opinion, Tom.
  • Posted by:
    wildcatfan56 on 04/16/2009 at 11:35 AM
    Rachel & Mike are absolutely correct - there is more, but it can't be discussed. Suffice it to say that when you can't trust someone, they have to go.
  • Posted by:
    wildcatfan56 on 04/16/2009 at 10:59 AM
    You know, I'd be a lot more willing to listen to Don Diamind if he lived in the City. All of those "business" types that are criticizing this decision are the same ones who were criticizing the lack of accountability and trasparency in the Rio Nuevo project. Well, now we have held someone accountable for his failures and they are squeeling about it. Get over it and run a credible Republican if you disagree with the way the Dems are handling the job. It's called a democracy and you can vote - IF you live in the city.