Best of Tucson® Voting Ends Next Week: 1,603 of You Haven't Finished Your Ballots

It always seems to happen so quickly: The final round of Best of Tucson® is about to come to a close. Have you voted? Are you sure?

Best of Tucson is a long survey, we know, so we try to help you out. You can save your ballot and come back to it, no problem. But what happens if you don't come back? We've got more than a thousand ballots sitting in Best Of limbo. 

Remember that however you typed your name the first time you filled our a survey on our website is your forever password into all surveys on our website. Remember that we're not going to count your ballot if you don't vote in at least 30 categories. Remember to hit the "submit" button at the end of the ballot so your votes don't get completely ignored when we're tallying everything up.

Best of Tucson voting ends next Sunday, July 31. Get yourself a watermelon eegee and fill out your ballot before the month comes to a close.