Best Annual Festival

Tucson Meet Yourself

Melting pot? Or stew? Somehow this great encompassing event has eluded controversy around ethnic identity. All involved have blythely celebrated our hometown's diversity, united in love of all things flavorful, colorful and musical. Recently, though, and wisely, TMY has been reminding us that we are diverse 365 days a year.The costumes, the foods and games represent a host of living traditions, practiced daily within cultures that survive through them. Each of us has a history and traditions embodied in our identity, a source of pride and respect. The festival could be evolving from Tucson Eat Yourself to Tucson Learn Yourself and others. And that only makes it all the tastier.

Runners up:

2. Fourth Avenue Street Fair

3. All Souls Procession

—Best "We're pretty sure we knew what this person meant, but thanks for the simplicity" answer: "BEER"

—Least helpful response: "not street fair"