Beyond the ever-present disdain during the debates, of course.
Mitt Romney, registered Republican and hopeful applicant for a pretty big job that he's bound to hear back on any day now, is a Mormon. Not only that, but if he wins the Presidency, he'll be the first Mormon Commander-in-Chief in our country's history.
To some people, that's a big deal — though, to be fair, so was JFK's Catholicism at the time of his election.
Romney has been reluctant to discuss his faith on the campaign trail, which I fully understand. I mean, a man's faith is his own, and good for him for holding out on it.
But this video popped up last week, showing Romney getting defensive upon constant prodding from Iowa talk radio host Jan Mikelson.
Somehow, this has become a big deal amid what is (admittedly) a slow news day as far as Presidential politics are concerned. Sure, it's interesting: Romney is showing emotion and explaining his views on his religion. But I hope to never hear about his faith again, whether or not he wins tomorrow — whatever he believes, he believes it. The only problem, in my mind, comes when the doctrines of his church begin to interfere with the general welfare of American citizens, which is a problem that could surface with politicians of any faith.
Long story short: Mitt shows emotion, defends his faith, and I hope that it never becomes a big deal ever again.