Phoenix TV reporter Brahm Resnik reported last night that Democratic voters were getting robocalls from the Flake campaign that were giving them wrong information about their polling locations.
Talking Points Memo follows up today with a report that Democratic Party officials want an FBI investigation into the calls:
Democratic officials in Arizona asked federal and state authorities late Sunday to investigate robocalls from Republican Jeff Flake’s Senate campaign that told registered Democrats to vote at the wrong polling locations.Flake released a statement today denying that the robocalls were meant to mislead Democratic voters:Brahm Resnik of Phoenix television station KPNX first reported on the calls on Sunday, interviewing a Democrat named Mary Crecco and at least six other Democratic voters who received them. Crecco said she believed she was purposefully told to go to the wrong polling location miles away from the correct one because she is a Democrat.
Given the news that Democratic-leaning polling firm PPP released a survey Sunday that had the Democratic candidate down by five points, we expected the Carmona campaign to start grasping at straws. That began late Sunday night when KPNX aired a story on voter information calls sent out by my campaign.
On Saturday we sent a targeted autodial call to over 120,000 Republicans, encouraging them to vote and informing them of their polling location. The call clearly stated that it was from my campaign because it was intended for Republicans. We received fewer than a dozen calls from voters with questions about the information provided, nearly all of which we were able to reconcile. Some adult children were registered under their parents’ address. In other cases, voters had moved but not updated their registration.
Had KPNX provided us with detailed information on their report prior to airing it, we could have informed them that the Democrat they interviewed received thecall because, according the voting records, she had the same phone number as a Republican who lives in the precinct we provided information for. Again, this autodial was targeted to Republicans. Any Democrats who received the call (which in all likelihood was a small number) did so because of errant information in the database owing to circumstances like those detailed above.