Some Robot-Building Kids Could Use Your Help

As part of the Sonoran Science Academy, Team CRUSH 1011 builds award-winning robots, this year building a basketball-playing machine using vision-tracking cameras and other things I don't understand. On April 7, the team won the second-highest award at the Las Vegas regional, allowing them to compete at the national competition later this month. However, there's a catch, since the team only has $5000 left in their budget and getting a team of high schoolers to St. Louis will cost around $20,000 which they need pronto.

The team is looking for sponsors, donations, etc., so if you can help out, email Fiona Hanlan (who has far more drive than I did as a high schooler for sure) at I'm sure she'd appreciate any help anyone could provide, even if the advancement of robotic technology will certainly lead to our future enslavement or doom.

For more information on the team and their activities, visit their website.