My Worms Seem to Be Totally Enjoying This Week's Edition of the Tucson Weekly

That worm seems to like the cover art this week.
  • That worm seems to like the cover art this week.

The littlest members of the Borowitz family - who work day and night in the worm-composting bins in the garage - seem to really be digging on this week's edition of the Tucson Weekly. I feed them at least one issue a month, along with about five gallons of kitchen scraps, and they return the favor by creating rich fertilizer for our ever-expanding garden outside.

I'm pretty sure they like the personal ads the most, but a few seem to have migrated straight to the top to check out this week's Get Out of Town cover piece. I found a surprising writhing mass of worms lurking around in Danehy's column as well. I'm not sure what to make of that.