George Lucas's New Plan to Ruin Star Wars Delayed a Bit

I know that people defend the animated series The Clone Wars on occasion, and as someone forced to watch the show due to a Star Wars obsessed son, it's not terrible, I suppose, but it does lack anything resembling emotional gravity at times. I think Pixar has proven that animation need not be soulless, but that not hasn't really gotten back to George Lucas. However, the man does have a sense of how to generate revenue streams so a possible live-action Star Wars television series appears to be in the works, if only they can figure out a way to pay for it:

McCallum also spoke a bit about the plotline of the show, which will take place between Episodes III and IV in the Star Wars timeline — during Luke’s teen years, though the series won’t actually have anything to do with Luke himself.

"Basically, it is like ‘The Godfather’; it’s the Empire slowly building up its power base around the galaxy, what happens in Coruscant, which is the major capital, and it’s [about] a group of underground bosses who live there and control drugs, prostitution."

Bleeding Cool likens McCallum’s description to /Filmcast favorite The Wire, which seems apt except that I don’t believe for a second that Lucas will demonstrate the same nuance and devotion to character that made the HBO series so beloved.

So to recap: In about three to five years, we can expect to see a Czech-shot live-action Star Wars television series that plays like an unsubtle, sci-fi version of The Wire — but only if Keeping Up with the Kardashians hasn’t ruined American television by then.

Patton Oswalt probably has the best take on the continuing expansion of the Star Wars universe: