Fake News? Fun Tradition!
Cartoonist and comedy impresario David Fitzsimmons reprises his Arroyo Café Holiday Radio Show at the Rialto Theatre on Saturday, December 16 at 1 p.m. Tickets are $15 via rialtotheatre.com, in advance or at the door.It’s become such a popular Old Pueblo tradition that even the POTUS has noticed. Trump went so far as to tweet to organizers that he’s not interested in making an appearance. “Lame. Why drag me into your Christmas spectacular? Sad, really.” Naturally, Fitzsimmons and crew immediately added him to the bill. Fitzsimmons suggests, however, “Trump supporters may want to skip this one. Ho,ho, ho!”
The production has an old-time radio show format, a la Prairie Home Companion, chock-a-block with Tucson celebrities. In addition to Fitzsimmons, the Arroyo Café Players include KVOA’s Lupita Murillo; American Idol contender Crystal Stark; long-time radio announcer Bobby Rich; and comedians Elliot Glicksman, Jay Taylor, Nancy Stanley, Nick Seivert, Josiah Osego, Mike Sterner and Bridgitte Thum. The Grandsons of the Pioneers, comprising members of Reveille Men’s Choir, round out the bill, along with Wilbur Wildcat and the President of the United States, all under the musical direction of soprano soloist and sound designer Lindsey McHugh.
Light Family Fare at Gaslight
Sweet and smooth as the froth on your eggnog, Christmas in the Big Apple is a grand time for any family gathering that includes both the youngest and oldest members. The villainy is paper-thin and the survival of the Santa spirit is never in doubt. Lots of opportunities for interactive play include in simple, repeated lines and hilariously groan-worthy jokes, straight out of the third-grade joke book. Costumes are as spectacular as we’ve come to expect of the Gaslight Theatre. The red dresses in the olio all but stole the show for this scrivener.Hurry to book this holiday treat as some performances have been sold out since May. Visit thegaslighttheatre.com for details; call for reservations.
Tops and Bottoms at Borderlands Brewery
Ten dollars buys a beer and a show on from 7 to 10 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 10, when Borderlands’ monthly showcase Brew Ha Ha presents The Tops and Bottoms Tour featuring Carmen Morales and Anthony Desamito. Morales’ has won fans on Punchline, Sirius XM radio, two seasons of Laughs on Fox and multiple festivals. She also co-hosts a New York Times comedy podcast. Desamito has appeared on Laughs on FOX and The Doug Stanhope Podcast. He co-hosts a podcast recapping episode of the Golden Girls, and a monthly show at the Hollywood Improv Lab.