The Official Dick Cheney Photoshopping Contest

Hey, kids: On this here post, MW commented that he wants us to sponsor a Dick Cheney photoshopping contest. Tortillas and Beef Baloney commented that they'd gladly enter.

So, it's official: We're sponsoring a Dick Cheney photoshopping contest.

The rules are simple: Send in a photoshopped work to, and we'll post them on this here blog. (Maybe we'll even find space for them in the print issue!) The crack Weekly blog staff will judge the entries, and as long as there are at least three entries (hi, MW, Tortillas and Beef Baloney!), we'll get the winner some cool prize. For reals!

The rules:

  • Submit your entries by the end of the day Thursday, June 7. That gives ya a whole eight days!
  • Make the files no more than 1MB, so my e-mail doesn't, like, explode.
  • Keep the entries R rated or below, please. I do NOT want to see Dick Cheney in any fake poses nastier than that. I have eyes, you know.
  • No stealing others' work, kids.

So, you have your assignment. Have at it!