Most people don’t realize how funny the Ten Commandments are. Like, “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s ass.” Comedy gold! With that in mind, The State alumni Ken Marino and David Wain have written a sketch-comedy film about all the zany fun you can have breaking each of the Ten Commandments. As with any sketch-comedy film, most of the gags fall flat, but there are a few gems, like the bit about the suburban men who like to get naked and listen to Roberta Flack, or the 35-year-old virgin (Gretchen Mol) who learns to love Jesus, physically and with nakedness. Then there are some serious clunkers, including a piece that assumes that anal rape is funny, which it is, but let’s face it, not “ha ha” funny. More “horrifying and traumatic” funny. So if you’re willing to sit through some lame sketches—and if Saturday Night Live’s longevity has shown us anything, it’s that people are, indeed, willing to sit through some lame sketches—perhaps you’ll enjoy the highlights of The Ten. Or you could just wait until it shows up on Piratebay and skip through the awful bits.

10 is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.
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