Friday, November 9, 2012

I Am Not Embarrassed to Admit That This Event Scares Me

Mark as Favorite

Posted By on Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:28 PM

Despite being a dude who likes dudes, I did NOT get the part of the gay gene involving musicals.

While there are exceptions—good Broadway shows and compelling narratives can win me over—I generally just shake my head at musicals.

Walking down the street during a sad moment and blurting into a warble about one's feelings? No. No thank you.

I also don't care much for karaoke. Again, while there are exceptions, there seems to be an inverse correlation between singing talent and a desire to sing karaoke in public. No. No thank you.

Therefore, I find the series of "Movieokie" events that the good folks down at Fluxx Productions have been putting on to be kind of frightening. The video below explains a bit, but you get the gist of the event from the name: Yes, it's an event in which people can sing along to movies—generally, musicals.

Um ... I just threw up a little.

Therefore, I will NOT be at Fluxx Studio and Gallery, 414 E. Ninth St., for the next Movieokie event at 8 p.m., Friday, Nov. 16. Admission is $5, and prizes are involved.

If this is your sort of thing, go. Have fun. God bless you. Just leave me out of it.

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Mark as Favorite