A local service dog named Ursa broke out of its home following fireworks on July 4 and has yet to be found.
The Belgian German Shepherd female puppy was last seen around the Swan Road and Skyline Drive area. For over a year, Ursa has been bonding and training with her person.
July 4 celebrations have terrorized many a dog with fireworks. The Pima Animal Care Center ran a clinic in preparation for the event. The clinic ran from June 24 to July 1 to microchip pets and provided advice on how to keep pets calm.
“We are ramping up our pet microchip events to get ready for the Fourth of July,” said Director of Animal Services Monica Dangler in a press release prior to the event. “Pets can easily get scared and we want to make sure that they make it back home as quickly as possible, and a microchip is the best way to do that! With a quick scan, PACC staffers can find a phone number and call the pet owner to pick up their lost pet.”
Unfortunately Ursa is not yet microchipped or spayed. The owner has offered a reward and asked people to call (520) 955-5012 if Ursa is found.