Monday, June 8, 2020

Ben's Bells' Tips to Stand Up for Kindness

Posted By on Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 11:34 AM

click to enlarge Ben's Bells' Tips to Stand Up for Kindness
Mari Herreras
The Ben's Bells mosaic mural at Tucson High Magnet School.
Anyone who is in Tucson for any amount of time is bound to hear about Ben's Bells. The organization has embraced "Be Kind" as its motto, greatly benefiting many in our city as it has spread its message to young and old alike.

In light of recent events that have taken our nation and the world over, Ben's Bells would like to reiterate the message to be kind to one another by asking each and every one of us to Stand Up for Kindness:

At Ben’s Bells we stand for kindness. Kindness for everyone. We believe that Black lives matter and that each of us must actively oppose racism. Kindness is doing for the benefit of others. It is not the same as being nice. It is not condescending. It is about doing the hard work of ensuring an inclusive community for all, and that means opposing injustice and oppression. If you stand for kindness you must be anti-racist.

Below is a list of things that Ben's Bells believes you can do to help Stand Up for Kindness in our community.

Your voice counts. 

Support Black-owned Businesses
This ongoing list, put together by Roux Events, compiles Black-owned businesses in a variety of sectors. Many other cities have their own version.

Seek out Black voices in all media formats and listen to the experiences of marginalized voices.

Here is anti-racist reading list that includes information on history, accountability, and action. There are also many books on racial equality to read with your children and help facilitate tough discussions. Here is a list from Make Way for Books. Here is a list of Black-owned bookstores.

Speak Up
Help move the message forward by sharing information on social media, email, and in conversations with people in your circle. The more we talk and share, the more momentum and impact this message will have. Demand action from your local representatives. Don’t be afraid to have difficult conversations.

Show Up
Kindness is not always easy. It is a skill we must work on every single day. Commit to the work of standing for racial justice by communicating with those around you, learning as much as you can, and elevating Black voices.
For more information or to otherwise contact Ben's Bells, they can be found at

Tara Foulkrod