Friday, December 21, 2018

Four Dead In Crash on I-10 and Marana Road

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Posted By on Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:46 PM

click to enlarge Four Dead In Crash on I-10 and Marana Road
Courtesy of ADOT
An illustration of the backup from a fatal car crash on Interstate 10, with eastbound lanes closed for a time at Picacho Road, and Marana Road westbound.
Four people are reported to have died after a serious multi-car crash on Interstate-10 and Marana Road Friday afternoon, according to multiple authorities.

The crash, which occurred in the eastbound lanes and shut down traffic until just after 3 p.m., caused the the Arizona Department of Public Safety to warn of serious traffic impediments through the afternoon.

Details on how and when the crash are unknown, but traffic is currently being detoured off the interstate at Marana Road westbound.

DPS said they would provide more updates through the afternoon, but cautioned that travelers should take alternate routes to I-10 if at all possible this afternoon and evening.

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