Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Howe Gelb Announces End to Giant Sand, "I Guess That's What it Takes to Get in Pitchfork"

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Posted By on Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 2:15 PM

Number one shape-shifter in indie rock: Go. If you didn't come up with Howe Gelb in that mix, you may not have been paying much attention the past 30 years. We had a lengthy interview with Gelb this morning in the wake of Pitchfork's announcement that Giant Sand is riding into the sunset. Gelb's immediate response was:

"I guess that's what it takes to get in Pitchfork after 30 years. You gotta quit to be posted," he says.

We spoke as the sun was setting outside the window of his Lisbon hotel room, because these days, Europe is as much Gelb's home as Tucson. More from that interview will be included in next week's Weekly. Meanwhile, here are what Gelb considered the most important points to make in response to the article.

"Puhleeez remember all the important points that I want to be in there... 'cause we only get one chance to say it and it has to be said right—specifically to the home town crowd."

1-  The band has been better than ever these last couple years...and more fun than anything. 

2- Wanna go out on a high note. 

3- 30 years is a good number to go out on, too.

4- The last (Giant Sand) album was a perfect album (for us).

5- (I) stubbornly did not want the demise of the band be associated with the sad events of the late '90s...Rainer's passing, who started this band with me way back...and Calexico's birth, which yanked my rhythm section rug right out from under me.

6- The new XIXA band/album has such great promise to it, making it a perfect time now to also know those dudes are gonna soar. 

7- So looking forward to wrapping these new songs inside big piano chordings. 

8- All of this feels exactly right since I'm turning 60 come October.. playing "future standards" on piano with Thøger is precisely what's needed then. 

9- If I need to get loud again, first person I'm gonna look up is Annie Dolan...she has the sound and attack that first got me sparked as a 14-year-old 45 years ago. How is that even possible ?

10- Now that Giant Sand has been put to bed...We gonna wake it up on March 26 to play a benefit to get Annie a guitar since her's has been stolen by rat bastards."
Of course, the end to Giant Sand isn't the end of Gelb performing in Tucson, and we have to agree about Annie Dolan's shred cred. Stay tuned for the full story on Gelb and the end of Giant Sand in the paper edition of the Tucson Weekly.

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