Friday, January 17, 2014

Florida Man Flips His Car Because He Was Texting While Driving

Posted By on Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 11:00 AM

Everyone's guilty of checking their Facebook feed or responding to a text that could wait until you're done operating a two ton for wheel death mobile. Sometimes we forget how life threatening it is to check your phone while you drive, and that's why Michael James Woody Jr. is our "Don't be that driver" of the day.

Michael James Woody Jr., 23, of Fort Myers, was cited for careless driving and texting while driving after crashing and rolling his car on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. At the time, he was being followed by an FMPD officer due to his erratic driving, according to a crash report from the department.

(via: News-Press)

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