Tuesday, October 22, 2013
You remember the Tucson Padres, right?
For some of you—unfortunately, not enough of you—they were the team that gave us something fun to do on the dull, dry, hot summer nights when Tucson is otherwise a desolate wasteland.
But for most of you, the Padres were that club you may or may not have heard of, but certainly weren't going to support because of a laundry list of stupid reasons, including:
* They play in a "bad" area
* It's not the Diamondbacks
* It's not the Arizona Wildcats
* Keep Tucson Shitty
Well, since you didn't support this most recent (and very likely last) local foray into minor league baseball, maybe instead you'd like to see what it looks like when a community actually embraces their local team.
The team formerly known as the T-Pads is officially getting its name around 4:30 p.m., when owners of the club that's now playing in El Paso unveils whether they will be the Aardvarks, Buckaroos, Chihuahuas, Desert Gators or Sun Dogs.
For now, though, here's a glimpse into the mascot's eyes. Literally:
How big a deal is this down by Juarez's northern neighbor? The local paper, the El Paso Times, is set to go live with video from the unveiling event a whole 90 minutes beforehand.
There's even a video on the team's under-construction Web site explaining how the company that was hired to come up with the name, logo and colors (they're called Brandiose, why BTW is an excellent moniker) without actually revealing said name, logo or colors.
Who's running all this, J.J. Abrams?
UPDATE: They settled with the El Paso Chihuahuas.
Tags: minor league baseball , El Paso , Triple A baseball , Tucson Padres , crappy local baseball fans , Keep Tucson Shitty