Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Great Cover-Up is one of my favorite events each year, mostly because it's just a lot of fun. Local bands covering famous acts, sometimes reverently, sometimes tongue-somewhat-in-cheek over a few nights with the proceeds going to a good cause? What's not to like?
For the fifteenth edition of the event, scheduled for three local venues Thursday, Dec. 12, through Saturday, Dec. 14, the organizers (which includes our music editor, Stephen Seigel, and some other people with Weekly connections) are trimming down the madness a bit, going with 30 bands over the three nights, so if you're planning on applying, make sure your tribute concept is pure gold. Nothing else will suffice.
The application deadline has been extended to Friday, Oct. 18 at 5 pm, so head over to the benefit's website and submit your proposed tribute. I personally look forward to what you come up with, especially if you cover the Happy Mondays, which I suggest every year yet no one ever comes through for me. All I want is to hear "Kinky Afro," people. Help me out.
Tags: great cover-up tucson , tucson music , tucson concerts , great cover-up 2013 , Video