Monday, August 5, 2013

Arizona Is Still Not a Top Party School, Despite Its Best Efforts

Posted By on Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:30 PM

So says the Princeton Review, which within its annual 'Best Colleges' report included a ranking of the top 20 party schools in America.

Sadly, the University of Arizona did not return to the list for 2014, despite a number of high-profile and near-deadly raging keggers put on by Australian exchange students and recorded for posterity by upstart student promotion outfit Blacked Out Media.

Arizona hasn't been on the Princeton Review list since 2010, while it hasn't made it on the even more (!) prestigious list released by Playboy in more than a decade. (NOTE: That classy publication is set to release it's 2013 list in the next few months, so let's all keep our fingers crossed)

The UA is set to start up again in the next two weeks, and with the 2013-14 school year will come the opening of a number of high-profile (and, in the case of Level, at Speedway and Park, high-rise) student complexes, expect a big push to get the Wildcats back on the rankings list.

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