Thursday, July 25, 2013

Join Dragoon Brewing and Boca Tacos in Celebrating the Tucson Fire Pipes and Drums Band

Posted By on Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 12:44 PM

Tomorrow, Dragoon Brewing and Boca Tacos want you to join them for great beer and great tacos to support the Tucson Fire Pipes and Drums band.

The event is set to kick off at 6 p.m. Friday, 'til 8, where Dragoon will be releasing Tartan 479, a Belgian-style Blonde ale. According to Dragoon, sales from the beer will benefit the TFPD Band:

A portion of every keg, growler and pint sold by Dragoon goes to help the Pipes and Drums in their mission of honoring their fallen brothers and sisters. It’s available on draft in our taproom and at select bars and restaurants in the Tucson area.

It is made from a blend of North American 2-Row and German pils malts, with a bit of Vienna Malt and unmalted barley. It is lightly dry-hopped with Cascade and Sterling hops and is fermented with a Belgian Abbey ale yeast. The result is a balanced Blonde ale—bready and toasty, with a lightly spicy sweetness and subtle fruity hop nose.

Boca also plans on running a special, offering two tacos and a pint of Tartan 479 for $10.

Tacos, beer and a good cause? Sounds like a good way to kick of the weekend to me.

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