Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Join a legion of brainy medicos—and learn mind-boggling ways to deal with this chronic disease—at "Taking Control of Your Diabetes" on Saturday, February 23 at the Tucson Convention Center.
Think this ain't your way of enjoying the weekend? Think again. "Taking Control" will feature a slew of workshops, and talks with Dr. Steven Edelman, founder of the program and a true Big Kahuna in the world of diabetes research.
Edelman received his own wrenching diagnosis at age 15. "I was told that blindness, kidney failure and amputations were likely to occur after several years and that my life expectancy wouldn’t exceed 20 years," he writes. "That was not a prediction I was willing to settle for, so I went into medicine to learn how to conquer this condition and help others afflicted with it. I’m 57 now and although I do have some complications, I am living well with diabetes and I have dedicated my medical career to educating and empowering others with this disease that they, too, can live long and healthy lives with diabetes."
You can too. To find out more, go to
Tags: diabetes , taking control of your diabetes , steven edelman , tucson convention center