Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nancy Young Wright: "I Congratulate My Opponent and Wish Her Well in Her Tenure on the Board"

Mark as Favorite

Posted By on Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 2:00 PM

Democrat Nancy Young Wright has conceded in her race against Republican Ally Miller for the seat of retiring Pima County Supervisor Ann Day. The latest vote tally shows that Miller leads Wright, 54 percent to 46 percent:

I’m honored and humbled by the support the voters of District One have placed in me, and I’m proud of the hard work of my volunteers who helped us run a strong grass roots campaign. We worked hard to reach voters with a positive message. We had more than 1,000 small local donors who believed in our campaign.

Unfortunately, our efforts we not enough to prevail. We fought a tough battle in a district that has 11,000 more Republicans registered than Dems; that has the highest number of registered voters of all five Pima County Supervisorial districts, and that has the highest turn out of all five. This makes District One the most expensive and difficult to run in of all the districts. We also knew it would be challenging to run this year since the district lines were just redrawn and there was a need for voter education in new areas.

I want to thank my team, who believed in me and supported me in every possible way. I’m very proud of our hard work and all of the voter outreach we accomplished. We knew it would be a tough race with the voter registration advantage that my opponent enjoyed.

I congratulate my opponent and wish her well in her tenure on the board.

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