Monday, November 5, 2012

One Last Time, Maybe: Looking At All Of the Anti-Obama Conspiracies

Mark as Favorite

Posted By on Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 9:50 AM

Sure, if President Barack Obama is defeated by Republican challenger Mitt Romney tomorrow, we'll still have a few months to look back at all of the things that were thrown at him by crazy people in an effort to derail his presidency.

But why wait? Mother Jones has a list of all of the myth-makers' greatest hits here in a beautiful Venn diagram format:

  • Mother Jones

Clicking that picture will take you to their full write-up, which includes a mass of the best anti-Obama rhetoric (and absurdity) that's plagued this presidency.

My favorite: The claim that Barack Obama is, in fact, the Antichrist — though that's partially because it was once argued to me by an ex-girlfriend's mother when I made the mistake of discussing politics with her a few years ago. Texans are crazy. (Runner-up favorite: Obama's dad was Malcolm X, with the dismissive comment "Because, you know, black people." Seriously, that link is fun. It's amazing to see how the minds of crazy folk work.)

Anyway, I encourage you all to either find your favorites in there, and/or drop some crazy, conspiracy-fueled "knowledge" you've come across independently in the comments. Today seems like a good day for us all to have a laugh.

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Mark as Favorite