Thursday, October 4, 2012

People Still Clinging Desperately To The Idea That Saucedo-Mercer Has A Chance

Posted By on Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 1:08 PM

No, seriously. People, somewhere, still think that. Why else would I continually see tweets like the one below at least once a day?

Now, I'm not posting that to give it any credibility — I'm posting it to point out that it's one of many Twitter accounts that I've seen that appears to be endlessly (and identically) touting a seven-month-old poll, that is, coincidentally the only one that I've found showing voters to be responding favorably to Saucdeo Mercer.

Of course, that poll was taken before her comments about Middle Eastern immigrants, which appear to have completely undermined her credibility as a candidate and ruined her chances completely.

Still, her Twitter followers appear to have soldiered on unabated — I mean, when you've got a guy who once called for a boycott of a state that he lives in going against a woman who said the only goal of Middle Easterners "is to cause harm to the United States," you gotta go with the woman, right?

Best of luck to you, Ms. Mercer. It appears that you'll need it — and a lot of it.

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