Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Talk about a complete metamorphosis of Tucson's downtown. Driving around down there the other day I couldn't believe how many buildings have gone up and how few empty storefronts there are. It almost looks like, shudder, a real city down there.
We all have our own opinions about these things, but one thing is for sure: The progress appears to know no limit. I've been writing about food for the Tucson Weekly for close to four years now and it seems like every other week there's some new bar or restaurant making a go if it downtown.
The newest tidbit I've picked up is what looks like the preliminary work for a new restaurant in spaces at 312 and 300 E. Congress Street, where those science exhibits have been for the past year or more. A liquor license has been applied for under the name Proper, and it's a Series 12 license, which is for restaurants.
We'll let you know more when we know more.
Tags: tucson restaurants , downtown tucson , new restaurants , restaurant openings , Proper