Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Star Knows You Can Find Their "Print Exclusives" Online, Right?

Mark as Favorite

Posted By on Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 11:04 AM

I'm a little mystified by the idea of "print exclusives" in general, mostly because I don't think anyone is likely to run out of the house to buy a copy of the Sunday paper just because of a list online, but I guess that's the strategy the Arizona Daily Star is running with, so whatever. However, it might make a bit more sense if a simple search of their website didn't turn up most the articles you supposedly need to get the dead tree edition to read.

Here's their list this week (in italics):

1. Rio Nuevo has solved the mystery of its missing millions. Get all the details.

Here you go.

2. Find out how Democrats plan to turn Arizona blue this November.

Right here.

3. Southern Arizona's streams are losing their flow. Find out what that means to animals, plants — and people.

Found it.

4. CPS formed a SWAT team to close out cases of suspected child abuse and neglect. Columnist Josh Brodesky explains why it failed in Pima County.

Josh Brodesky's series on local CPS issues seems to miss the point of that the Republican leadership in this state needs to take some responsibility for the agency's troubles, but here's his second (?) column on the subject.

5. Meet the new head of TUSD's Mexican American Student Services, and find out what she plans for her new role.

I don't know if I'd take on that position for the pay of $89,633, but the article is here.

6. Election season has begun, and that means political signs are sprouting up everywhere.

I assume this is referring to the Political Notebook, which can be found online here.

7. If you want to go out in style, a new hearse company might be just what you're looking for.

A surprisingly long article on motorcycle hearses is right here, if that's your thing.

I stopped looking when it took more than one search attempt to find the Bonnie Henry column, but you get the idea. Think of all the print sales you're losing, Lee Enterprises! This could explain the quarterly losses, so someone should lock these precious exclusives down.

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