Friday, August 26, 2011

Told You So: Gawker Names Arizona Worst State

Posted By on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 4:00 PM


No big surprise (I called it, remember?), but Arizona ended up as Gawker's Worst State, for all the reasons you might have guessed.

What's most offensive is that the cheap shots aren't really all that well-written:

Arizona is a hissing snakepit of angry old white people (they are angry because they are literally being cooked to death) yelling at the immigrants and other Others whom they fear and loathe, and it is probably going to explode someday soon into a bright ball of orange fire and we will know that either the end times have come for us all or thank god we are finally rid of Arizona.

That's one sentence. One terribly constructed, not particularly clever sentence. I expect better, Gawker. I really do.

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