Monday, February 28, 2011

AZ Fact Check: Montenegro Abortion Claim "Mostly False"

Posted By on Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 3:05 PM

AZ Fact Check determines that this claim by Rep. Steve Montenegro in defense of his bill to ban abortions based on race or sex is "mostly false":

"(Department of Health Services) just came out with reports for 2009 with numbers that show a higher number of abortions for minorities. It's both a statewide and national trend. ... Sex selection was studied by the National Academy of Science in March 2008, and research shows there is a strong son-bias in parts of America. There is clear evidence that this is happening."

The verdict:

Bottom line: Statewide statistics indicate there is not a higher percentage of abortions among minorities compared with White women. However, national statistics indicate a higher percentage of abortion among minorities. Although studies indicate sex selection is an issue, health organizations do not track the number of males or females aborted, so there is no data to support that claim.

[AZ Fact Check]

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