Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Rhee: Six still in hospital. Giffords still going "as anticipated".
Rhee: Decreased amount of sedation. Getting more spontaneous. No questions today.
Rhee: Family members of Ron Barber speaking today. Nancy Barber, Chrissy Blake, Jason Blake and Gawain Douglas and Jenny Douglas.
Jenny Douglas: Ron was able to speak to granddaughters, expect that he will released from ICU on Thursday.
Jenny Douglas: Thanking doctors, law enforcement, well-wishers.
Jenny: Sincere gratitude to Hernandez, Anna Ballas (sp?) for saving Barber's life.
Fritz Simon will read a statement by his mother, Pam Simon, staffer for Rep. Giffords, who was injured in the shooting.
Statement by Simon: We will work together to solve problems and promote healing.
Statement by Simon: We need Giffords in our community.
Ron Barber asks about Giffords often, has not seen her yet.
Barber is healing from wounds "remarkably well". Had surgery yesterday to close wounds from original surgery. Pain is being managed, expected to make full recovery.
[UPDATE: Corrections made to names of those who spoke.]
Tags: tucson shooting , umc press conference