Friday, April 30, 2010

Munger Asks Mills To Drop out of Gov Race; Mills Says No

Posted By on Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 4:10 PM

Republican gubernatorial candidate Buz Mills got some bad press this week with the revelation that he had been sued by a former business partner for fraud.

You can find more details here.

Tucson attorney John Munger, who is also seeking the GOP nomination, has asked Mills to drop out of the race.

“Frankly, the Republican Party cannot have a candidate who is standing for nomination who can’t win the general,” Munger says. “I can’t see any way he can win the general with this kind of thing on his record. (Democrat) Terry Goddard, as a law-enforcement officer, would just tear him apart.”

In response to Munger’s comments, Mills said wasn't going anywhere.

"As a lawyer, John Munger should know the difference between accusations made in depositions and testimony, and a decision that was vacated by a judge, but since his flailing campaign needs attention, I guess this is his attempt at getting some,” Mills said in a statement. “As the only candidate for governor who will

balance the budget by cutting spending across-the-board, who won't raise taxes, and who won't add mountains of debt as Munger does, I look forward to the continued spirited debate."

A Public Policy Polling survey released today showed that 19 percent of Republicans were supporting Mills and just 3 percent were supporting Munger. Gov. Jan Brewer had the support of 38 percent of GOP voters.

A recent Rasmussen poll showed that Brewer had the support of 26 percent of likely primary voters, with Mills at 18 percent and Munger at 14 percent.

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