Monday, November 2, 2009

Republican Ben Buehler-Garcia Stands By Prop 200

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Posted By on Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:17 PM

Republican Ben Buehler-Garcia is not among the conservatives out there who are opposing Prop 200, no matter what KGUN-9 is reporting.

The Pima County Democratic Party sent out a bulletin following a KGUN-9 report last night that Buehler-Garcia did not have a position on Prop 200. But Bueher-Garcia says the KGUN reporter misunderstood what he said regarding his position and that he stands by his support for the Public Safety First Initiative, which would require the city to spend more than $60 million a year once its fully implemented in five years.

Buehler-Garcia says he missed a follow-up phone call from KGUN anchor Jennifer Waddell, who tried to clarify his position before last night's newscast.

The Democrats, meanwhile, are engaging in some revisionist history of their own on the topic:

Council member Karin Uhlich, on the other hand, opposed 200 before opposing 200 was popular, showing her to be a leader and not a follower, like Buehler-Garcia.

But Uhlich was actually the last city council member to take a position on Prop 200. It wasn't until Friday, Oct. 9, that Uhlich announced that she would oppose the initiative. By that time, early voting was underway and the Tucson Chamber of Commerce, along with many left-leaning groups, had already announced their opposition.

Until then, Uhlich had pointedly declined to take a position on Prop 200.

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