Sunday, May 17, 2009
In this week's Skinny, Nintzel wrote about what really boils down to the power of karaoke.
Most of the time, a karaoke experience is about how much everyone in the bar, including the singer, has had to drink. This karaoke tale, however, is about two local politician pals going to a local gay bar for a karaoke fix. At a visit to Woody's a while back,Tucson City Councilman Rodney Glassman and Representative Matt Heinz took in the splendor and glory of karaoke, and Glassman got an idea: We have this new police chief, Roberto Villasenor, so why not have him start off on the right foot by making nice with the LGBT community? Especially at Woody's, where relations with TPD have been strained ever since the bar was red-tagged last year when the police seemed especially interested in the noise level at a bar off a busy street. At the red-tag hearing, however, the bar won, since the police officer didn't show.
So, thanks to Glassman, here's our chance to meet Villasenor and test his ally skills—and perhaps challenge him to a round of karaoke kamakazee! If he's not driving, buy him a shot or two on Monday, May 18, at 9:30 p.m. at Woody's, 3710 N. Oracle Rd. For more info, call 292-6702.