Friday, April 17, 2009

Tales From the Naked City

Posted By on Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:51 PM

b20b/1240024034-satellite.jpgPlayboy puts the UA at No. 5 in the list of Top Party Schools. Congrats, Zona!

The Zona school that traditionally gets the love is ASU, and though we think Tempe is a great place to spend a three-day weekend, four years are better spent at U of A in Tucson. Consider some of its party names: Natural Disaster, Heaven and Hell, Fubar, Jungle Party. Sounds wild. Leo, a senior, describes the biggest decision of his life thusly: “When I was applying to schools, it was between the University of Arizona and the University of Colorado at Boulder. Would I rather walk around in board shorts and sandals, looking at gorgeous girls in bikinis for eight months out of the year or shovel snow and freeze my nuts off in Boulder? I made the right decision.”

Here's a link to a photo of lovely UA coed Ashley Tyler
. You'll have to sign up for the full spread, though.

UPDATE: Crack TW intern Hank Stephenson has already tracked down a Q&A with Ashley, who appears to have first appeared in the October 2005 issue. Money quote: "My parents were not fans. But I did find out my mom tried out when she was my age. I pretty much got the 'better morals' lecture."