Thursday, June 26, 2008
You might not have realized it, but we're less than a week away from our first Clean Elections debate! Republican Senate candidates Pete Hershberger and Al Melvin, who represent the yin and the yang of the Arizona Republican Party, will talk about the issues at 6 p.m. next Wednesday, July 2, at the Nanini Library, 7300 N. Shannon Road. Legislative District 26 House candidates Trent Humphries, Vic Williams and Marilyn Zerull will also be part of the forum.
Find out more about the races and other upcoming debates at our new ScrambleWatch blog, where we've just debuted a new political calendar.
Also at ScrambleWatch today: A few of our favorite entries in the Stephen Colbert "Make McCain Exciting Green Screen Challenge." We especially like McCain in the Madonna video, although seeing him on the set of Star Trek is pretty cool, too.