Monday, March 17, 2008

Peace Vigil on March 19

Posted By on Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 3:30 PM

This week marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War--a war that Americans are fighting because of rumors of weapons of mass destruction, when none were ever found.

The New York Times does a great job of covering various aspects of this war on this fifth anniversary. Read the article in its entirety.

As of March 15, 29,395 U.S. soldiers have been killed or wounded. By the time you read this blog post, more will have died. I hate the word "casualities." That's an insurance term. I don't think there's anything casual about life or death.

So far the war has cost $650 billion, and if we continue for another five years, the cost will be at least $2 trillion. Don't we have more meaningful things to spend that money on?

According to a poll of 1,012 registered voters taken March 7-10, 33 percent of you still approve of how Bush is handling the war; 62 percent of you don't; and 5 percent are not sure.

Of that 62 percent of you who are unhappy--and even the 5 percent who aren't sure--I'm hoping that you can come to a peace vigil on Wednesday, March 19, at 7 p.m. 

Thousands will gather nationwide at candlelight vigils to mark the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. In addition to honoring the fallen, let's send a clear message in this sinking economy: It's time to end the war, and start using the billions wasted every week on the Iraq occupation to help people in our own communities.

Bring dripless candles, a flashlight or glow stick and considering bringing extras to share.

There are two peace vigils here in Tucson. If you're downtown, go the Federal Building at 5:30 p.m.

If you live in Midtown, Eastside, Foothills, etc., there's one in Midown in front of the Benedictine Monastery at 800 N. Country Club Road at 7 p.m.

RSVP here or just show up and bring your friends and family. Take a stand!

See you there.