Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Here are a few events that were received too late for inclusion in our print issue.
Santa Rita Park
Third Avenue and 20th Street
Block Party. Enjoy a free block party with food, games and giveaways. Visit for info.
299 S. Park Ave.
2nd Home. Artist Molly Phoenix presents her new exhibit of stained glass work. Music will be performed by Combo Westside, and Amita will bellydance. Free. Call 882-0800 for info.
Mission Palms Clubhouse
951 W. Orange Grove Road
Card-Making Workshop. Create your own greeting cards in two hours with rubber stamps and supplies. Beginners and experienced crafters welcome. $10. Call 780-4247 for info.
Community Church of the Foothills
480 E. Ina Road
Yoga Workshop. Learn a gentle, physical practice for beginners. Free. Call 792-6585 for info.