Monday, September 25, 2006

Your Monday Morning News Update

Posted By on Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 8:28 AM

-- Is there a more worthless person in this world than Nancy Grace? Seriously. Is there? I can't think of one. Even the people who write "Thorns and Flowers" have some worth, even if it involves unintentional humor.

-- C.T Revere may be right that John McCain is standing up to George W. Bush on the prisoner-treatment issue because of values. However, I am still having trouble respecting McCain because of his snuggling up to Bush during the last presidential campaign. Oh, and for speaking at schools run by bigots. And for supporting hateful crap like Prop 107 and Len Munsil. Seriously, the next time some cretin mainstream media outlet calls him moderate, I may snap.

-- You may now take that bottled water you bought at the airport kiosk on the airplane. Sigh.