Best Place To Buy Plumbing Supplies

STAFF PICK: The copper tub beckoning from the window at 210 E. Broadway looks like it belongs in Jules Verne's bathroom. As you walk in the north door at Benjamin Supply, Inc., you feel the carnival-like atmosphere of the House of Mirrors, or, to be exact, the Wall of Medicine Chests, on one side, reflecting the gaping screams of sinkholes on the other. You've just entered the oldest part of the store. To your immediate left you'll find the museum of hardware supplies, with everything from old electrical boxes to gardening tools, and the perpetually near-empty 3M sandpaper display.

In the light of the big window the toilets stand like soldiers. Fight the urge to try one on for size. Or, hell, drop your pants to your ankles when no one's looking. Benjamin's has been at this location going on 40 years; and even though we'd never been inside to buy as much as an O-ring before, when we learned they're moving to their nearby warehouse, we felt a sense of loss over the change. Ben, we hardly knew ye.

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