
Filler District 12



IN NORTHWESTERN DISTRICT 12, incumbent reps Dan Schottel and Freddy Hershberger are facing a primary challenge from Steve Huffman.

picture Huffman, a member of the Tucson Association of Realtors, has worked on campaigns for U.S. Rep. Jim Kolbe and is currently serving as campaign treasurer for Vicki Cox-Golder, who is vying for the Republican nomination for county supervisor in District 3. Huffman has targeted Schottel in his fundraising efforts.

As head of the education committee in the House, Schottel was recently named "Legislator of the Year" by the Arizona Vocational Assocation. However, he's done little to push the dialogue on the real education issue at the statehouse: reform of the capital finance system thrown out by the Arizona Supreme Court nearly two years ago. Lawmakers have danced around the issue without coming up with a solution; Schottel, as head of the education committee, has shown little leadership on this issue.

Both Schottel and Hershberger generally vote with the Republican caucus on environmental, educational and tax issues.

The two winners of the primary will face Democrat Mark Osterich in the November general election. He'll be an underdog in a district where Republicans outnumber Democrats by about 9,000 voters.

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