
Catwalk Caterwaul

The delicious kitsch of the all-American beauty pageant is brought to subversive life in "Pageant," a musical spoof.
Margaret Regan

Boarding School Blues

Murderous roommates at odds are just one of the elements playwright Rich Amada deftly juggles in his funny new play, "The Wimpley School for Wayward Girls."
Margaret Regan

Heat Beat

You don't know an environment until you've experienced it during the climate that makes it different from everywhere else.
Kevin Franklin

Colorful Bouquet

"Think L.A." -- It's a phrase that captures the essence of Wildflowers, the new restaurant on North Oracle and Ina roads.
Rebecca Cook

Season's Fleeting

The TV season is over and now we must live in darkness.
Tom Danehy

Desert Links

DesertNet's collection of some of the Southwest's best websites and resources.

Talk Back

Tell us what's hot and what's shot on the local arts scene. We're looking for your views on visual, theatrical, dance and God only knows what else created by the more refined souls among us.

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