
Incurable Junkie

Royce Davenport turns the detritus of bygone eras into amusing, enchanting art.
Margaret Regan

Silly Fun!

French farcemaster Moliére is updated for a modern audience to hilarious effect.
Margaret Regan

Duty Calls

There's plenty to learn in the middle of nowhere.
Kevin Franklin

Hunger Painstaking

Local restaurants and resorts are joining forces to present the first-annual "Taste of the Nation" fundraiser to help fight hunger.
Rebecca Cook

Snorts Spews

This and that from the increasingly dithering dimension of American athletics.
Tom Danehy

Desert Links

DesertNet's collection of some of the Southwest's best websites and resources.

Talk Back

Tell us what's hot and what's shot on the local arts scene. We're looking for your views on visual, theatrical, dance and God only knows what else created by the more refined souls among us.

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