
Cheap Labor, Cheap Lives?

In the Mexican town of Cananea, the mining company that runs the place can do what it wants-and the struggling citizens be damned.
Tim Vanderpool and Darrin Mortenson


Howls of outrage and squeals of delight from our astonished fans.

Fantasy Fatheads

Garth Brooks turns in his tight Wranglers for a tight, double-knit Padres uniform.
Jeff Smith

The Skinny

More on bazillionaire visual polluter Karl Eller's disgraceful end run around Tucson voters...Is Corporation Commissioner Tony West about to get the boot? We can only hope...The Waffleman salivates...And more!

Dome And Dumber

Statehouse visionaries are determined to drag us screaming into the millennium with a bumper crop of bad legislation.
Tim Vanderpool

Park Pro On The Go

Pima County Parks and Recreation Director Dan Felix takes a bigger job for more money with the City of Tucson--the sordid details on a local historical first.
Chris Limberis

Can Desert Rivers Make A Comeback?

The American Society of Environmental History conference, titled Environmental History Across Boundaries, ponders topics from land policy in Tanzania to forest management in Four Corners.
Margaret Regan

Talk Back

Miffed at Smith? Scratch your chinny at The Skinny? Don't let things fester--get them off your chest here.

This Modern World

An off-site link to Tom Tomorrow's fabulous political cartoon.

Jim Hightower

An off-site link to the home page of Jim Hightower, whose populist musings often appear in the Weekly.

Desert Links

DesertNet's collection of some of the Southwest's best websites and resources.

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