Save the Santa Ritas

If all goes according to plan, the County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, Dec. 5, will vote again on a motion from Supervisor Ray Carroll to oppose a proposed mine in the Santa Rita Mountains. (See "Nature Versus Greed," Currents, Nov. 23.)

The Republican supervisor has been the sole voter for such resolutions in the past. The other county supes are being total wusses and are saying there's nothing they can do, that Augusta Resource Corp.--with the support of legendary land speculator Don Diamond's family--has the right to rape the environment with an open-pit mine.

Yeah, Augusta may own the land. But shouldn't our elected officials stand up against such environmental pillaging? Of course; Ann Day, Ramón Valadez, Sharon Bronson and Richard Elías should know better.

The meeting's slated for 9 a.m., next Tuesday, Dec. 5, on the first floor of 130 W. Congress St. Please--go. Speak out. Tell your friends and neighbors, and have them go, too. If you can't go, call your county supervisor and tell them to quit being such idiots (unless you're in Sugar Ray's district; if you are, call him and say thanks).

Those phone numbers:

  • Ann Day, District 1: 740-2738
  • Ramón Valadez, District 2: 740-8126
  • Sharon Bronson, District 3: 740-8051
  • Ray Carroll, District 4: 740-8094
  • Richard Elías, District 5: 740-8126
UPDATE: According to a post-deadline e-mail from Patrick Cavanaugh, in Supervisor Ann Day's office, the Rosemont mine item on the Board's agenda has been continued until Dec. 12.

UPDATE II: According to the latest e-mail from Cavanaugh, the Rosemont mine item on the Board's agenda has been tentatively scheduled for Jan. 16.