
Response to our article about the Mexican grey wolf

Kudos for your article stating "Mexican gray wolves still battle bureaucracy" ("Howl," Currents, April 18). Your reference to surveys indicating 77 percent of Arizona and 69 percent of New Mexico residents strongly support wolf reintroduction points the finger directly at Arizona Fish & Wildlife and the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service as having disregard for the tenants of two key provisions of wildlife management, the "Public Trust Doctrine" and the "Endangered Species Act."

Yes, the Mexican grey wolf is in trouble but who do we blame? It is clear to me and it should be clear to all. What do we do about it? Vote out those ignoring the majority of people's interests.

-Bruce J. Barker

Imagine this great country of ours just 100 years ago. People still rode horses and trains and there were only 48 states; Arizona being the newest. In order for the Mexican gray wolf to rebuild what humans have effectively decimated, more wolves need to be released to add variety to the breeding pool and strengthen the genetic line. Using science and logic to reach an ecological balance and not being influenced by special interest groups or political pressure is the only way to re-establish the wolf population to its natural state. The reintroduction program barely had time to get its feet. Imagine you're a 15-year-old teenager. They just can't wait to drive to vote, to move out—that eager 15-year-old metaphorically represents the lifespan of this recovery effort. Give it time to grow up. It's just not old enough yet, to snuff out its potential and undo what little that's been accomplished.

-Jennifer Selzer


Due to an error made in the copy-editing process in "The Big Ask," April 18, folklorico teacher Angel Hernandez was incorrectly identified as Angel Fernandez. Also in the story, Ken St. Andre, developer of Tunnels and Trolls, was also identified as the owner of the publishing company Flying Buffalo. Rick Loomis is the owner of Flying Buffalo in Scottsdale who bought the rights to Tunnels and Trolls. We apologize for the errors.