Member since Apr 15, 2017



  • Posted by:
    Charlotte Lowe on 02/15/2018 at 8:02 PM
    Fourth Ave. has been dead except for The Shanty and Coronet (both of the edge of downtown)--and of course, Dairy Queen--for a while. With Piney Hollow gone there's no retail left for me --except for ( I forgot!) Antigone and the Co-op--There is the Bookstop but I wish they had a better, more central or downtown location for their sake. Only Sky Bar tickles my club fancy. As a former hippy I know retreads when I see them--just the young visiting a past they've never experienced and a few down and outs plus the off and on regulars. Caruso's has been so bad in recent years I'm surprised it still exists. Cute place but awful food now in my opinion. Yes, I was around when it was good.. Guess I haven't gotten attached to Flycatcher. Liked Plush. But no bar has been really successful there that I recall. Do correct me. Will another high-rise hurt Fourth Ave.? Pues, I doubt it. Silly tourist stores, crappola. Lack of parking hurts. It's already been derailed by hangers on to a past they didn't experience and doesn't contribute to a good New. Sixth Ave. has been more progressive and action forward. Downtown is looking good and ready for action.