Member since May 29, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Joe Hess on 06/03/2015 at 5:52 PM
    As a former charter school teacher, I can tell you that in a school that's not on the up and up, it's amazing what they get away with. And why not? Schools are already loosely regulated, as long as their test scores don't warrant further scrutiny... add to that the fact that charter schools have bloomed much, much faster than the people's sense of how to regulate them, not to mention the demand for them to be regulated differently than public schools (otherwise, what's to distinguish between one and the other?) and it's easy to see how there are schools out there that operate almost as the charter provider's personal account. I was witness to a principal taking student lunch money, putting some of that money in his pocket in full view of the entire student body, then giving a little of the money to the school treasurer, telling him he can do with it however he pleased. I've had superintendents argue that a tenth grader caught beating up a sixth grader couldn't be expelled, and the only reason was because if he went, he had eight brothers, sisters and cousins that could choose to leave, and the incident wasn't worth the school losing state funding for nine students. There are many other stories to tell that would dizzy anyone with a conscience, but none of it matters, until parents start taking more accountability of knowing what their child's education is becoming. On the other hand, there are very good charters out there that are precisely why we need a new branch in education, and they do not deserve to be weighed down by the dubious reputations other charters afford them. We live in a world where we analyze every word and sentiment of our public officials, but don't give a thought about where we put our children to learn how to be a part of the world... is it any wonder, then, that the world is becoming more and more askew?
  • Posted by:
    Joe Hess on 05/29/2015 at 10:35 AM
    Do you guys take suggestions for new categories? For years, my customers have told us we should win for Best Iced Tea, but there isn't such a category. If such a category could be added, I'll let them know that they now have something to vote for!