Member since Mar 19, 2015


  • Posted by:
    HunterGuerin on 03/19/2015 at 11:45 PM
    As a student of FWHS I was appalled to here of the situation unfolding on my campus. as the principle stated in his email and public announcement it was disturbing, and to here that not only one but five people who I go to school with, who I walk by in the halls and go to class with every single day were planning to murder another student is absolutely horrid. It disgusts me that these people would stoop so low as to conspire to murder another class mate, no matter what justification they decided to use it is absolutely horrible. These former students not only put the life of that one student in danger but they put all of our lives in danger because Flowing Wells is a unified community and when one student is hurt we are all hurt, these students threatened our community, our lives and for that they deserve as harsh a punishment as the law permits. Flowing wells is a family, and when someone threatens that family we stand up against the opposition and protect our own, these five destitute soles are lost, they have isolated themselves, and they will pay for their inhuman atrociousness. To whoever stood up and spoke out about these students you are the hero of our family, you protected our community and for that you deserve all our respect and thanks.