Member since May 8, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Jeff Gould on 05/08/2014 at 3:54 PM
    Re: “Local and Likeable
    Upon my first reading of the Tucson Weekly, I found the paper to be itchy and drab, the articles boring and listless. Unhampered, I turned the page, which had a distinct acidity to it- reminding me of the smell of hot garbage in the summertime. Still, I had committed to an entire literary feast, so again I pressed on. The main story-again- underwhelming. It was as if the editor threw a bunch of re-hashed and soft thinking liberal gibberish in a pan and seared the words into a meaningless jumble, expecting someone to bite. Both the timing and the execution of the 'dish' lacked complexity, and failed to inspire. By the time I had reached the ending of this foul spread, I immediately craved aspirin & possibly a long nap, to which I accredit to a bellyful of yellow journalism. Next time around, I think I'll pass.