Member since Mar 31, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Teton Moon on 03/31/2014 at 11:46 AM
    First of all you all need to read what "unlawful assembly" is. This is a law being abused by the thugs in blue not unlike " I smell marijuana" or " you look suspicious" or any other go to jail free card these thugs are twisting for their pleasure to use force. People have the right to assemble. People have the right to speak loudly and forcefully about what ever the hell they want. People have the right to stand on streets and sidewalks and a public property including parks and government areas to do what ever they want. The line is blurred by abusive government. You cannot block traffic of vehicles, persons or businesses in a protest and you cannot instigate a riot. So if you are marching down a street and a car comes, move, or a sidewalk and person needs to get by, move or a business entrance just step aside. But no, cops tell you that you cannot be there if you are following these rules then they are wrong. Now with that said, anyone illegally arrested must sue the shit out of the city.. its a must. Yeah taxpayers pay the bill, but maybe tax payers will get pissed enough to grow balls and congregate in the masses as these people did for the right reason. That is the only thing that really upsets me is a cop can murder a guy for illegal camping and you may see 400 people but a fuck ing game and there are so many more. So I guess this country gets what it deserves since a game is more important than a life.